When Thomas and I moved into our house we were given a table and chairs from family. We had also bought some chairs off of Kijiji with the intent on fixing them up one day. Well we did and here are the deets! (Ha! Deets!)

So the white chairs are from Kijiji and the all wood chairs were given to us with the table. I like how they are mismatched. :)
Heres what I used.. weapons of mass creation I tell you..

Okay. So. Once upon a time I sanded the white chairs a
little. But. I did not sand anything else for this project. Nope. What about the table and chairs that were clear coated? No. I refused. So I gave everything a good prime (note: 2X coverage.. yeah.. it works as good as it sounds.)
Chair before:

Chair Primed:

Chair Heirloom Whiteded (whhhaaatt?) :

And then I applied the clear top coat and I'm going to assume you dont want to see pictures for all four chairs sooo.. moving on..
Table befores:

Okay so thats not the table.. but aint my little helper cuuute? :)

I also added these felt pads to the bottom of the chair legs aswell as the bottom of the table. It makes moving them around a lot easier!

Are you ready? Heres the big after.. it makes me oh-so-hap-ee!

I really hope you like them! :)
I can't wait to post more and show you what we have been up to!