We are compiling this blog to keep family and friends updated with the progress of our house/lives. Here is the condensed soup version so far..
This chapter of our life began with possibly the longest and most challenging home search ever. 9 months from start to finish, two diffrent real estate agents, and so many houses we lost track. I'll spare you details. Truthfully, I would do it all ten times over to be able to be where we are today. Our home is a perfect 1030sqft bungalow with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. We are completly in love with it. Everyday I am floored at how much pride and happiness fills my heart just living here. Completly worth every single dollar and minute of time spent on it.
Our house is not an immediate fixer upper. Not wrecked and ravaged through but instead a nice family lived, played, and took great care of the house. We really didn't want something that needed a bunch of work. We are first time home buyers and didn't want to get over our heads in renos..or did we? It didn't take long to start the process of demoing and I've been snapping a few pictures along the way. Thomas is amazing and very motivated to take on big projects. He's really not afraid of putting a little sweat labour into our house. Me? Well I'm the blogger. Nonononono. I am the design consultant/little helper. He says "Get me a screwdriver for this", then I get him the wrong one with the stary head intead of the squishy flat one.. etcetc.. Anyways. Stay tuned. One minute we have floors and the next.. well thats for another post.
Here are the listing pictures taken mid February 2010 :

The front of our Cozy Casa
Living Room
Down the hall.. Master bedroom
Monster Truck room or Second Bedroom
Upstairs Bathroom
The princess room or Third Bedroom
Going down.. This is the living space downstairs
And another..
Heres the Fourth Bedroom
and finally the Downstairs Bathroom
So there you have it! The house already looks nothing like these pictures but keep checking back for updates! Maybe not so exciting to you but to us.. well.. its been the start of a big journey and we can't wait to see how it all unfolds.. or builds.. I just want to see whats next already! :)